Danny Edsall

Global Grocery Leader, Deloitte
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Having grown up in “Bricks and Mortar” retail, Danny has led many transformation programs around Supply Chain, Merchandising, Store Operations and Logistics. The last 15 years have been spent helping retailers in their journey to meet “Digital Consumers’” expectations, with projects like omni-channel supply chain, Distributed Order Management, mobile/e-commerce, self scanning and store experience transformations. Since joining Deloitte, Danny has been dedicated to bringing all of Deloitte’s considerable resources together to make
Kroger successful in their purpose to “Feed the Human Spirit”.

Danny’s 30-year career has included operational and IT roles in the retail industry. He has led numerous consulting engagements and teams and has assisted many retail companies in assessing their strengths, defining their business goals and designing pragmatic organizations, processes and systems transformation programs to realize those goals. Danny has worked across the world, contributing to many industry initiatives and sitting on boards and industry standards groups such as NRF, GMA and GS1.

He joined Deloitte from IBM, where he ran the Retail Industry Consulting practice for North America.

Danny attended the University of Plymouth and business school at Reading University. He resides in Arkansas with his wife and three daughters.



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