Georges Mirza

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Georges Mirza has been ahead of trends developing retail/CPG market-leading industry-changing solutions. He led the charge and established the roadmap for robotic indoor data collection, image recognition and analytics for retail to address out-of-stocks, inventory levels and compliance. Having previously managed portfolios of space and category management solutions at Nielsen, Blue Yonder and SymphonyAI Retail CPG, Mirza currently advises companies on how to strategize and prioritize their roadmaps for growth. Follow him on LinkedIn or Twitter.



Innovating Category Management: Disrupting Traditional Approaches

Differentiate solutions in grocery by using computer vision and AI

Innovating Category Management: Time to Reinvent Space Management

New tech promises to revolutionize the discipline

Innovating Category Management: Listening Through Imagery

For those who adjust to Gen Z purchasing and consumption patterns, a new age of retail insights awaits

Innovating Category Management: Assortment as a Service Now

Tech in this area has seen considerable innovation, but providers must work together

Robots in Grocery Retail: The Questions You Need to Ask When Adopting

No matter how fast robots can traverse aisles, grocers still need to make important considerations