
Industry Urges Senate Food Bill Vote

In the wake of the largest egg recall in U.S. history, industry leaders are urging the Senate to schedule a vote on S. 510, the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act, as soon as possible.

“Now, more than ever ,the time is right for the Senate to pass the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act,” noted Pamela G. Bailey, president and CEO of the Washington-based Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA).“The food and beverage industry is committed to partnering with Congress, the Obama administration and the FDA to strengthen and modernize our nation’s food safety system. The FDA Food Safety Modernization Act will provide the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) with the resources and authorities the agency needs to help strengthen our nation’s food safety system by making prevention the focus of our food safety strategies.”

The legislation would improve public health and safety by requiring all food companies to develop a food safety plan, adopting a risk-based approach to inspection, and enhancing the safety of imported food and food ingredients.