Jamie Grill-Goodman

Editor in Chief, RIS News
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Jamie Grill-Goodman is the editor in chief of Progressive Grocer's sister publication RIS News and has been with the retail technology brand and award-winning website since 2015. A thought leader in the retail and consumer goods space, with two decades of experience in multichannel content creation, Jamie’s writing weaves a keen observation of retail trends into a smooth communication of complex information for general audiences. Jamie has worked for both consumer and B2B publications during her media career, covering the retail, consumer goods, private label, technology, and real estate industries. Before RIS, she worked for such publications as, PL Buyer, Private Label, and Unique Homes.

Jamie holds a BA in Communication with a Specialization in Journalism and Creative Writing from Rowan University, studied abroad in Limerick, Ireland, and resides in Bloomfield, NJ, with her husband and two children where she can often be found volunteering at the elementary school and in community projects.



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