
Kraft Foods Is Targeted Again by Green Group

CHICAGO - Kraft Foods Inc. is once again a target of Genetically Engineered Food Alert, the Washington-based group whose research led to Kraft's recall of taco shells containing StarLink last year, Reuters reports.

The group, whose backers include Friends of the Earth and the Center for Food Safety, plans to unveil findings from research on a range of Kraft products it tested for genetically altered corn and soy, a group representative said. The group wants Kraft to stop using genetically modified ingredients until there has been further testing. The representative wouldn't say whether the research uncovered unauthorized ingredients in the foods.

In response, Kraft spokesman Michael Mudd said, "The FDA (Food and Drug Administration), the American Medical Association and the World Health Organization have all looked closely at biotech ingredients and concluded that they're safe. If we believed there is any risk to those ingredients, you can be sure they wouldn't be in our products," according to Reuters.

Matt Rand, a spokesman for Genetically Engineered Food Alert, says the real issue is that "most of the American public does not realize they're eating genetically engineered food ingredients."

The campaign against Kraft, dubbed "Genetically Krafted Foods: Not in My Kitchen," will include events at 170 cities, including Chicago, Washington, New York, Los Angeles and Boston.

In July 2000, Genetically Engineered Food Alert and its members called on Campbell Soup Co. to stop using gene-spliced ingredients in its soups, breads, juices and other products. At that time, the group vowed to target other major food makers.