
Nominate an Emerging Grocery Retail Leader

Progressive Grocer now accepting GenNext nominations for professionals under age 40
Marian Zboraj
Digital Editor
Marian Zboraj profile picture

Change continues to accelerate in the grocery industry and everyone must adapt to serve a base of consumers with evolving needs. Grocery retailers must also embrace a new generation of leaders, one with fresh perspective and an unwavering commitment to innovative thought and practice, to help better meet the needs of these evolving shoppers to offer them unique solutions for every conceivable need state.

Do you know an innovator, disruptor or difference-maker having an impact on their organization, the industry and colleagues? Someone who possesses that “it” factor that is hard to describe but sets them apart as a next generation industry leader? If so, we want to hear from you as we look to honor the industry’s best and brightest under age 40 in our annual GenNext Awards program.

This is a great opportunity to highlight the accomplishments of individuals who work for a retailer, supplier or service provider company in the food retailing universe. It’s a big industry, so we need your help to identify special individuals who have demonstrated some, or all, of the following traits:

  • A high level of commitment to a career in the food retailing industry and the communities their company serves.
  • Innovative thinking and an ability to overcome challenges and capitalize on opportunities to serve shoppers more effectively.
  • An ability to inspire others through actions, accomplishments, leadership and vision.
  • A willingness to make an impact in the world beyond work through various types of community involvement.

Entries are limited to companies based in the United States and the deadline for submissions is July 15. Honorees will be recognized at the GenNext Symposium Nov. 2 in Orlando. To enter a submission, click here.

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