
PGTV Profile: Market Bistro by Price Chopper

The public transition of Price Chopper’s Latham, N.Y., store to Market Bistro by Price Chopper -- the subject of Progressive Grocer's latest installment of PGTV -- required nearly a year and a half of performance art, during which loyal shoppers witnessed the emergence of foodservice concepts that amazed and enticed; they shopped around remodeling that resulted in a rolling cascade of wonders not seen in a typical grocery retail environment.

Shoppers not only enjoyed the ride, but they’re also finding more reasons to return for what now constitutes “business as usual.” The theater of the upfront belies the years of research and scouting to find the perfect mix of offerings; the myriad renderings of physical space, particularly with the equipment needed to deliver; the thousands of recipes developed and tweaked; and the specialized training for optimal execution.

The full story, featured in PG's July issue, is available here